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    • Datum

      26.12.2024 20:57

    • Verfasser

      Nani Klappert

    • Tour


    • Kommentar

      Servus Andi! Ja, schade. Aber: Verpasst ja, knapp nein. Wir sind gestern erst u...

Datum Bundesland Verfasser Tour
05.01.2024 Steiermark Harald Schober Ahornwiese
05.01.2024 Salzburg Höring Bernadette Hochkarfelderkopf 2219
05.01.2024 Klaus Einmayr Geigelstein-Breitenstein
05.01.2024 Steiermark Anderl Hochwart 2301m
03.01.2024 Salzburg Hans Altmann Labenberg (Postalm), 1.642 m
03.01.2024 Steiermark Harald Schober Plankogel 1531 m
03.01.2024 Salzburg Sperl Alex Birnhorn & Kuchelhorn
03.01.2024 Steiermark steverino Sauberg, Vetternspitzen
03.01.2024 Salzburg Bruckbauer Peter Schilchernock und Klölingnock
01.01.2024 Steiermark sugarless Scharfes Eck
01.01.2024 Steiermark Martin Wildalpe vom Süden her (FREIN)
01.01.2024 Salzburg Stock Leonhard Hochgründeck
01.01.2024 Salzburg uta Philipp Dientner Grasberge mit Neujahrsschnee
01.01.2024 Bruckbauer Peter Greim 2474m
01.01.2024 Klaus Einmayr Neujahrskonzert
01.01.2024 Salzburg Georg Abler Heutal

Zirknitzspitze, 01.01.2024, Peter Juvan

Top of couloir

Couloir after the glide

Avalance deposit


An avalanche from the top of a couloir triggered by a skier on a descent. The skier managed to ski out of it to the side, but the avalanche took his dog and buried him 500m lower on a flat terrain. Probing for the dog was unsuccessful and the rescue was finished in the dark. The dog carries a collar with the owner's mobile number. If the dog is found, the owner kindly requests a notification via that mobile number - the same number is used for this post.

Schnee- und Lawinensituation

Fresh snow 10-20cm on a compact surface, a couloir facing SSE, cca 45 deg steep on average. Gliding snow triggered from the top made a layer of fresh snow to glide from the sides into the center of the couloir. The snow that accumulated in the center grew bigger and bigger. The slide stopped on an almost flat terrain cca 500m lower.


Peter Juvan, 08.01.2024 um 21:02

The dog survived w/o any injuries. Most likely he managed to dig out on his own in the following 24h hours and descended towards Döllach where he was found and taken to a police station. The owner would like to express his gratitude to Sebastian, who found the dog, and the Polizeiinspektion Heiligenblut staff.

Georg Abler, 09.01.2024 um 11:26

Great news! When I went on tour with my dog I always worried when she ran too close to snow cornices or into steep slopes. Maybe dogs should also carry avalanche beacons.